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Why minimalism art for house is a better way of life?

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Minimalism art.

The core idea of ​​modern minimalist style: simplicity and practicality.

Less prominent is more, discarding previous decorative elements.

There has always been a questioning attitude about the decoration style:

meaning, does it really have extra practical significance?
The so-called practical meaning can perfectly match the owner’s decoration needs,

including aesthetic needs, functional requirements,

and other needs involved in decoration that make people comfortable and stay in the same space for a long time.

Exploration of the elements of modern minimalist style:

First, Color–The use of pure color is not just to meet the simple requirements of color,

but based on the definition of comfort in the homeowner’s heart,

find a color that is most suitable for the homeowner’s mood to set the main color.

The modern minimalist style allows the use of multiple colors but does not allow the chaotic mix of colors.

All the use of colors must meet the “easy and pleasant” atmosphere.

Second, Materials-the materials used in modern minimalist styles are by no means a collection of synthetic plastic materials,

let alone materials produced using modern techniques.

Instead, we should peel off the glitz of life and avoid the use of generous, flamboyant, impetuous “upstart” materials.

Restore the essence of life, pursue the original mood of leisure life, and use the texture of the material itself to highlight the taste of life.

Adopt modern technology-produced multi-functional homes to expand space and explore more life tastes.

Third, Space-The space designed in modern minimalist style is more logically related.

The reasonable flow of people is used to ensure that each activity of the homeowner can be satisfied as quickly as possible.

Adopt more space to make people more easily feel quiet and refreshing emotions.

Last, Environmental protection.

Environmental protection is not only a modern minimalist style but also a characteristic that the style design advocated by everyone must-have.

For bright colors, strict standards are required, and non-environmental materials are not used. minimalism art

And then,  strictly control the use of materials, as far as possible to avoid waste of materials, from the source and action to achieve the pursuit of environmental protection.

Last but not least, Want to learn more about 3d interior design, please click:https://www.3drenderingltd.com/

How to buy design art for the renderings?


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